around da world less then 24 hours

bismillah... carried away and forgot to update this so called blog of mine..

i traveled!...yup, im not kidding saw lots and lots of places..such as the...

great wall of china

lady liberty

and also the leaning tower of Pisa

besides taking a short trip to our dear petronas twin towers

however i did miss a few, like Hollywood and also the pyramids in Egypt all thanks to the tired kids! (yes...they're the kids in the photos [well that's only part of them]~dont bother asking where i am: i always am the cameraman~not complaining, i <3 snapping).

so i'll let the cat out of the bag, i had a trip to 'tropical village' on the last day of a 3 day kids program called 'i love islam' (8-11 dismember) it was really fatigue but fun at the same time.. before the trip... on the 1st day ~of the program the first day we (the kids + facilitators + instructors) made some tit bits, sandwiches for tahap 1 + also all the boys of tahap 2

and cute cupcakes for the girls of tahap 2

*sigh*~after all the work i didnt even get a bite of this!

but before that the thp1 kids had a colouring contest while the thp2 had listen to a talk.

2nd day ~we all preformed the duha prayer then the kids learned to recite some verses of the quran + played musical chairs + had a story telling contest +sang along to several songs

demi matahari...

in the evenings we did a little craft work and made some decorations which also functioned as a sort of air freshener (the kayu manis and all the herbs used made these)

3rd day ~trip to tropical village...since pictures speak louder then words, i wont elaborate..

jangan potong barisan...beratur, jagan x beratur

ha dah nak masuk dah.sabo.sabo

oh, berbalik kepada pengembaraan yg x berjaya ditamatkan kerana bebudak dah keletihan..on da way down, a kid approached me and asked 'akak nampak x abg anas', it was a coincidence at that time that i did, so i pointed to his direction...tetiba...vrooooooom...sume bebudak that were following me down menyerbu anas..i paced up with them dan sempat mendengar anas yg diserbu bertanya kenapa semua menyerbunya, a spontaneous kid then answered: (i think it was the same kid that asked me earlier) "tadi kawan kata abg anas ada air"(dgn riak muka yg bersungguh2), tersenyumku dibuatnya, apa x nye these kids where really, really thirsty

ape2 pon after that, they all received their drinks

+ had lunch + rehat + rehat + rehat..

solat + bought souvenirs (ape2 je lah souvenirs dia~ni kira mengcritic, stickers, handphone straps and things you can get at normal shops anywhere~oh well, the kids still bought them, sampaikan air2 sume diborong..untunglah mck2 kedai .. :) )

naek bus~and went to the next destination,unfortunately the place was we used plan b, and went to an aquarium + tempat beli kepok..our final destinations before heading back..

kat aquarium huruhara jadi tempat 2 + ikan sume jd gemuk2 n kenyang2 belaka coz bebudak
ni beli mkn2 ikan berulang2 kali

~ tp pck kedai sure x marah, banyak ikan mereka beli..habislah makbapak kena beli acquarium lepas nih..hehe

perjalanan pulang~mereka sesume tido...tidak!, tidak!,tidak sama sekali.
the kids where all still energetic and full of kid power!fasifasi lak sesume dah exhausted n x larat nak mintak mereka senyap n to stay put~macam2 la ragam terjadi...x nampak tv lah, chumming gum kena kerusilah and etcetra (trust me you wont want to know the details)

p/s: maaf untuk bahasa campurcampur ^^
some credit goes to
Ummu Fathiyah and generation5071for the uploaded pictures~ arigatou ne

nan-ji desu ka?= wow, gotta get going till then ttfn!


Anonymous said...

hafsah...yg neyh eyh g jd fasi ri2....besh2...nk join...hihi....

- said...

@qat~blh2 ada 2nd seri, nak ke?alang2 qat ada kat jb...