wireless~ ^-^


short entry..

td pakcik stremax datang at around 7.45 (ayoyo, blum siap sarap lg kami serumah)..the wireless conection has been set and settled- alhamdulillah (the line isnt that fast, but its ok than nothing)

theres pros and theres cons to everything (hope i can retain myself from using it to much~sure tv lepas ni diabaikan (ye ke k.nurul n k.anis??)

yikes..its already 9.30, have to get ready for class, ttfn


HaWa DArLidA said...

haha besh la yer da ade tenet
sng crik kes..

anis shafikah said...

moga manfaat Hafsah!

- said...

~k.anis: insyallah ^^

~hawa: ok boss, tp lexis nexis academic nyer password x sama ek dgn lexisnesis.com? x reti sgt guna yg ni.huhu