Dinner is served ~ tada


I'm at home, its been a few days since I've been here since Uitm officially closed down to prevent Influenza A from spreading.Well, there isn't actually any positive cases yet, but a lot of people are suspected, including a friend of mine. So yes, this means its the hols, a little surprising as it was unexpected and also because classes were just beginning to go into gear 3! (prepare yourself~after this will be going into high gear with no stop whatsoever~oh, i forgot to mention that our midsem break gets reduced due to this :( ).

Breaking news?I've got fever!just a few hours after i reached home last Sunday, don't know what actually caused it though, as i used my umbrella to the fullest, maybe it was due to the interaction between me and hawa (hehehe, really?)

anyway the dinning and etiquette program last Friday (24/7) at grand bluewave hotel was fabulous, if you left out all the formalities, the long waiting between meals and et cetra. We ate at a big hall where the tables where arranged like those in Horgwarts.

~the menu~

We ate mushroom sup and bread and butter for the appetizers, meat for the main course, and

~apple pie ala mode with vanilla ice cream~

apple pie ala mode with vanilla ice cream for desert. I loved the sup and desert the most, i wanted more. As for the meat, i only finished half of the dish, eating it was tiring, first you had to cut the meat into edible chunks without making more noise then necessary or without making the meat fly across the table or even accidentally drop the cutlery. The next obstacle was to chew and swallow it. Hawa accomplished eating her meal with breeze, intan's situation on the other hand was similar to mine (except the fact that she also didn't finish her apple pie's~what a waste).

~p/s: i've just ate some slices of pizza (its my sister's birhday) , and swallowed all the pills (ubat demam dah habis~yey~tp demam lak entahlah, sekejap cam nak ok sekejap lg panas balik), i'll put more pictures up later, thanks lots photographers for all the resources (although most of them are blurry >O< ) ~~ here's the picture::

(1280x1024 - click on the picture for a better view)


HaWa DArLidA said...

nice la pic hafsah edit tu... awe curik taw.. ngee

Unknown said...

nice blog ...
A blog contest is going on my blog now visit http://ambrith123.blospot.com for more info

soleil m said...

gambar cookie xdak pon kt collage tu. huhuhuuu~ T_T


salam..amboii sedapnyerr!! ana dh tukar link: http://umarhafsin.blogspot.com

- said...

~to hawa:curik la ^^..

~to cookie:gambar cookie ada la...kat atas gambar cik noor and min :D (i've put all the people i have in da photos, including you)

~to ambrith:thanks ^^

~to ummu hafsin:over and out- i'll change the link, yup sedap..hehe

KA said...

da amek pic yg edit tuuuu..

- said...

~to komie: orait, no prob :)